Shawnee Soccer Association Advertisement Sponsorship
Shawnee Soccer Association has upwards of 400 players per season from the ages of 3 to19 that participate in our club. SSA is completely run by volunteers who are devoted to enriching the lives of our youth through the thrilling game of soccer. We are passionate about our players growing in a fun, organized, educated, and safe environment. Our association registration and fees cover less than half of our expenses. Our clubs expenses include but are not limited to player insurance, field maintenance (paint, mowing, weed eating, weed killer, goal upkeep, etc.), referees and referee assignor, utilities (water, power, port-a-potty), registration fees, equipment, fuel, award ceremonies, summer camps, and advertising. Our expenses for the 2021 fiscal year amounted to $51,000. We need your help to maintain and expand our program!
How does being a sponsor help your business? We have an amazing opportunity for advertisement at our soccer fields. Along the fence lines of each field there are spaces available to hang a banner providing advertisement for your business to the families of both teams. SSA U4-U8 players play all eight of their games at home, in addition to the traffic from our own players, U10 and above players also travel into our complex for half of their games. Players and families traveling to our fields for games are often leaving the games hungry, thirsty, needing to shop, or looking for a family activity in between games. This is a great opportunity for your business to donate to our non-profit organization and receive a banner in our complex.
For $200.00 your business will receive a 3’x 6’ banner that will hang on the fence in our complex. After one year (two seasons) your business can renew the banner for another year (two seasons) for $150.00. After two years you will have the opportunity to purchase a brand-new banner. You will also receive advertisement on our website, Facebook, and Instagram pages.
All signs will remain posted, legible, and visible, so long as your sponsorship continues. With our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization status, your contributions would be tax deductible and 100% would go towards the youth athletes we serve in our community.
If you have any questions about our fundraising program, please fill out the below contact request. Thank you for your interest!
On behalf of our players, coaches, and parents we thank you for considering a donation to SSA.
Thank you! Proud Sponsor of SSA